Sunday, July 26, 2009

Camcorder Batteries - Understand the Charging Requirements

In recent years, manufacturers are striving install tmnet make the life of digital camcorder batteries longer. The newly available models of digital camcorders available today are manufactured with highly efficient batteries that give utmost satisfaction after usage to the end customer.

Many reputed camcorder manufacturing companies are competing to give a better power performance to the consumer. Miniaturization streamyx setting giving rise to more problems, broadband supplier it requires that a small battery remain charged for a longer time span. However, with the latest innovation and application of online registration process streamyx package chemistries, you can expect better results at cost-effective rates.

Most manufacturers do give a warranty of three years on their batteries. But the market is also crowded with less well-known but highly effective lithium ion battery providers with more life span. With increasing dependency on the original versions of lithium ion cells dying out, lesser-known brands are picking up pace in the market by maximizing efforts and revenue.

When purchasing a new video camera, it is crucial to be aware of all the functions and parts of the device to avoid any future problems. On average, digital camcorder batteries costs fairly $40-$60 or possibly more if it has an extended life.

- 4 Types of Camcorder Batteries Available:

1. Lead-Acid: Lead-Acids are reliable, inexpensive, and suffer from a number of drawbacks as they get discharged multiple times.

It's necessary that lead-acids be fully charged or else they cease functioning if uncharged for long. Keep these in a cool, dark place and always recycle them properly as their content is extremely hazardous to the environment.

2. Nickel Cadmium (NiCd): These were among the most common type of camcorder batteries a decade ago. You can find them now in older models of video cameras. These have the capacity to handle higher loads and has long life with constant discharge pattern.

Nickel Cadmium delivers the same level of voltage throughout the entire discharge cycle and even let you know when the power is low. This type should be fully discharged before recharging, in order to avoid the memory effect that plagues this type of power cell.

It's important to keep NiCds cool, dry and safe, though the contents are not dangerous but they are highly poisonous and bad for the environment.

3. Nickel Metal Hydride (NiMH): NiMHs offer 10 to 25% greater capacity than the NiCds, but are also prone to memory effect like NiCds. W1Max necessary to allow complete discharge of NiMHs before recharge.

4. Lithium Ion: These new innovations offer quick charge times, have longer life span, steady discharge, light weight and are available in small size. Lithium ions offer more charge capacity than NiCds, and do not suffer from memory effect.

Lithium Ions are the most expensive type available in the market. Unlike other types, it's required that these are fully charged.

Keep these cool, safe and dry from shock and recycle them before it's discarded.

- Camcorder Care:

Learning to care for your camera after purchase is crucial to ensure performance and longevity. As any other electronic device, even a camcorder requires care and maintenance for effective functioning

* A slightly damp cloth should be used to clean the exterior. Avoid contact with water. It's highly recommended to use cleaners suggested by the manufacturer.

* Protect from dust, dirt and scratches. Keep the lens covered with cap.

* Protect the lens. Avoid touching the lens with fingers as oil from person's skin can gradually erode the protective surface. Avoid exposure of the lens to the sun and use ultraviolet lens filter for added protection.

* When operating, handle it gently. Tapes should not be forced in to facilitate loading.

* It's important to Tm Malaysia that batteries shouldn't be stored in the device itself. Allow to completely discharge before recharge.

* Do not overcharge.

Eventually all batteries complete their span of life and need a replacement sooner or later. As observed, no matter the brand or model, camcorder batteries do have issues of running down at the most crucial moment. So consider all factors with a careful understanding of the product requirements before purchase.

For a wide variety of camcorder batteries, lithium batteries, and rechargeable batteries, visit All-Battery offers dependable, quality batteries and chargers with a low price guarantee.

JUNE 17 ?Its amazing the amount of press coverage, especially in the Chinese press, devoted to the visit of Lee Kuan Yew, Minister Mentor of Singapore. In the past 48 hours, even former PM Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad got into the act by posting on his blog some, shall we say ?nasty ?comments about LKY (or MM as he is known in Singapore). To quote from Dr Mahathir:

2. But we already have a new Middle Kingdom broadband or streamyx During Lee Kuan Yew's triumphant visit to Malaysia he made it known to the Malaysian supplicants that Singapore regards the lands within 6,000 miles radius of Singapore as its hinterland. This Streamyx Tmnet Streamyx Beijing and Tokyo and of course Malaysia.

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